发布时间:2024-03-25   访问次数:12343   作者:










2014-05  2014-10,加拿大西安大略大学(Western University),化学与生物工程系访问学者,导师:Sorah Rohani教授

1997-07  2014-04,biwn必赢网址助教、讲师、副教授

1992-10 1994-08,浙江九洲药业有限公司技术部经理

2002-09  2005-06,必赢bwin网址大全,应用化学,博士(在职)

1994-09  1997-07,必赢bwin网址大全,化学工程,硕士

1988-09  1992-07,华东biwn必赢网址,工业化学,学士


中国化学学会会员;中国化工学会会员;ChiralityACS Ω等杂志审稿人。







1.  XIN XiaoyuZHOU Junjie ,HE Quan , PENG Yangfeng* ,WEI Yongming , ZHAO Hongliang, TONG Tianzhong. Resolution of trans-1,2-cyclohexanedi-carboxylic acid containing two carboxylic groups by forming diastereomeric salts based on feeding molar ratio control. Chirality, 2024, 36(2)e23634.

2. AO Qiong, ZHAO Hongliang, TONG Tianzhong, PENG Yangfeng*, HE Zhaoyang. Enantioseparation of basic drugs by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography system using carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin as chiral mobile phase additive. Chirality. 2022, 34(8):1128‐1139.

3.  WANG Jie, AO Qiong, PENG Yangfeng*, FENG Cai. Diastereomeric resolution of 3-chloromandelic acid with threo-(1S,2S) -2-amino-L -p-nitrophenyl-1,3-propanediol. Chirality. 2021;33 (11):824-839. (cover story)

4.  WANG Jie, PENG Yangfeng*. Resolution of Halogenated Mandelic Acids through Enantiospecific Co-Crystallization with Levetiracetam. Molecules , 2021, 26: 5536.

5.  LI FanWANG Wenhong, WANG Jie, Peng Yangfeng*. Superhydro -phobic treatment of polyurethane sponge and its application in oil-water separation. Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2019, 6(4): 1-9.

6. PENG Yangfeng*, FENG Cai, SOHRAB Rohani, HE  Quan. Improved Resolution of 4-Chloromandelic Acid and the Effect of Chlorine Interactions Using (R)-(+)-Benzyl-1-Phenylethylamine as a Resolving Agent .Molecules , 2018, 23: 3354.

7.  LU RuiChen, HE Quan, FENG Cai, PENG YangFeng*. Enantioselective resolution of 4‐ chloroman -delic acid by liquidliquid extraction using 2chloroNcarbobenzyloxyLamino acid. Chirality, 2017, 29:708715.

8.  PENG Yangfeng* , HE Quan,Cai Jiang. Enantioseparation of Citalopram by RP-HPLC, Using Sulfobutyl Ether-β-Cyclodextrin as a Chiral Mobile Phase Additive. International J. Analysis Chemistry. 2016, 2016:1231386. (most citation)

9.  余 欢,彭阳峰*,高 玮,赵月昌,杨筱琼.氧化铈抛光液在醇-水体系中的分散悬浮性及其抛光性能研究.稀土2023445):13-21.

10.  杜浩元,赵永祥,彭阳峰*,童天中,赵红亮. Ni基催化剂催化环戊二烯加氢反应及其宏观动力学. 石油化工2022511):1-6.

11.  王洁,敖琼,彭阳峰*,赵红亮,童天中. 左乙拉西坦与卤代扁桃酸共晶的制备及表征. 高校化学工程学报2022,363):450-458.

12.  闫兴艳,彭阳峰*,童天中,赵红亮. 潮湿表面用环氧树脂固化剂的合成及其性能. 热固性树脂2022375):1-5.

13.  徐学萍, 彭阳峰*, 童天中, 赵红亮. Fenton试剂处理汽车油漆废渣. 化工环保, 2019, 39(06): 671-676.

14.  王文弘, 高永盛, 林静, 杨菲, 刘芬, 彭阳峰*. 氟化聚氨酯/纳米SiO2复合超疏水涂层的制备.聚氨酯工业, 2018, 33(04): 7-10.

15.  陆瑞晨, 彭阳峰*, 赵红亮, 童天中. 双水相体系选择性萃取分离对氯扁桃酸对映体. 化学工程, 2017, 45(09): 18-23.

16.  高鲁友, 王文弘, 彭阳峰*, 张卫东. 从废水溶液中络合萃取N-羟基丁二酰亚胺的研究. 高校化学工程学报, 2017, 31(04): 763-768.

17.  叶文, 王书文, 潘梦旭, 赵平, 彭阳峰,朱为宏. 应用于生物发酵在线监测的聚合物pH传感膜. 影像科学与光化学, 2016, 34(04): 319-328.

18.  冯彩, 陆瑞晨, 彭阳峰*. 氰基柱上手性流动相添加剂法拆分4-氯扁桃酸. 分析试验室, 2016, 35(06): 700-704.

19.  张玥, 彭阳峰*. 解草酯的合成及动力学. 应用化学, 2015, 32(04): 416-421.

20.  朱星, 杨亚东, 张玥, 彭阳峰*. 磺丁基醚-β-环糊精手性流动相添加剂法拆分佐匹克隆对映体. 分析试验室, 2014, 33(05): 582-585.